22 Dec Happy Christmas
It only seems a short while ago that I wrote the newsletter for the beginning of the year. Time has passed quickly, the weeks turning quickly into months, the months into seasons and now the year has passed. 2016 was a year of completion, being a universal number 9, giving you the time to declutter and sort out what was important to you physically, mentally and emotionally; giving you the opportunity to let go of what and who were no longer required/needed in your life so you are ready to start afresh in 2017 – a new beginning of another cycle.
As Christmas Day approaches you will notice how it becomes the season to rush around, getting the perfect gifts with a mixture of excitement and a good dose of stress in the mix!
Remember in this busy time to take time out for yourself, trust in your intuition and follow the flow into 2017 in a relaxed and healthy way as this will be an important start for you in the New Year.
Take the time to sit and reflect on the spiritual lessons you have learned this year. The number 9 teaches you to let go of your past that no longer serves you and re-evaluate your intentions, giving you a compassionate sense of self and insight into your soul’s direction and purpose.
Christmas brings the opportunity for many to reconnect with their family and friends, to enjoy the simple blessings of the season and experience its joy; giving you time to pause and appreciate those you have in your life – yet for many it can be the loneliest time of the year, those who have lost their loved ones or maybe have families that live far away. Others may decide to let Christmas gently pass on by, choosing not to get involved in the commercial hype and expense, and just take the few days to relax and recharge their batteries.
Also, it can be easy amidst the hustle and bustle of all the gift giving and preparation for celebrations during this time of year to forget to take care of you. So, remind yourself regularly that it is also about receiving; one can get so caught up in the giving, that one forgets to allow themselves to also receive.