How Clean Is Your Aura?

How Clean Is Your Aura?

How do you know when it is time for you to have an energy detox?

Your physical body can get overloaded with toxins from the chemicals in your food and the pollution in the air that surrounds you. Your aura/energy field will benefit from changing your diet to a more balanced life style of getting the proper amount of sleep; eating fresh organic foods; choosing to use non-toxic products like essential oils to clean your skin and freshen the air around you.

Yet, even with a healthy and balanced diet your energy field can still remain toxic and become heavy, blocked and stagnant when you are holding onto emotions that no longer serve you like anger, doubt, fear, disappointment, suffering and worrying.

You start to feel stuck in a rut, unmotivated and tired even after having a sleep. Life starts to become mundane and you feel that you are just going round in circles, not really getting anywhere or achieving what you have set out to do.

I often meet people who are leaking energy from their auras and are completely unaware of it – a simple knock on the shoulder or a bang on the head is enough to create a small tear in your auric field and even though you are designed to renew your energy each day and capable of self-healing, if there is a just a small tear in your auric field it will be like blowing up a balloon and then a few hours later you find it has slowly deflated.

Although you may not think of your Aura very often – it is continuously working on your behalf.

When you walk into a room you automatically sense who is a happy, confident person or who is depressed and feeling bitter about the world. Your aura is always interacting with others and it filters information to you as to whether you can trust and feel safe with who you are with or whether you have things in common and it also recognises similar experiences to that which you have had – even when a person chooses not to verbally share with you.

I often talk about the 7 Main Chakras that are located throughout the Aura and the psychical body, these energy centres alone have over 72,000 nerve receptors and it is their role to source information on your behalf by creating electromagnetic pulses that can recognise, read and then relay information back to you about what is happening within your own personal energy field and that of the person/s you are with or the environment that you are in.

Your Aura protects your physical body and all of your major and minor chakra centres – you can imagine it as a protective bubble around your body. It is egg shaped and a healthy size aura will be at least 3ft (90cm) or more in size all around you. To feel balanced and centred you need to be in the middle of your aura.

Often I meet people whose auras are wider on one side than the other, it is very common for the right hand side of the aura to be wider than the left in people who give a lot or have to do many things for other people and who cannot or do not take time for themselves in a nurturing way. Also, the right hand side of the aura can become expanded around the head area when they are always busy thinking and planning for the next thing to do or worrying about things that have not happened yet and not being or able to focus on the now/the present moment.

‘Prana’ or the universal life source energy is continually flowing through your energy body/aura and any disturbances in this flow can create pain or illnesses in your physical body. Therefore, it is crucial to keep a healthy, clean and energized aura for maintaining your well-being.

Once there is pain or illness in your physical body, it will still show up as a disturbance in your auric field. For example, if you are becoming dehydrated, then I will see the shape of your liver in your auric field and it often shows up as a green colour, when there is more going on than dehydration then I see the shape and the colour of it differently often as a mucky orange or yellow with a dirty brown tinge to it. It is the livers role to detox your physical body and yet on an energetic level this is where you would hold on to toxic emotions that are connected to anger, resentment, bitterness and frustration to name a few.

Remember that your energy is made of an electromagnetic field and if you look at it from a scientific point of view then it is obvious that you will need to make sure that your circuit (energy) is flowing smoothly and that you are at the correct wattage to ensure that you are functioning/operating on the best energy you can have. You can liken this to a light bulb – do you feel you are living and getting by on a low 20 watt bulb or are you feeling healthy and bright like a100 watt bulb?

In our modern culture it is taken for granted that a person needs to look after their personal hygiene creating many rituals/habits: they include cleaning your teeth in the morning, put on your deodorant and fresh clothes, washing your hands after using the toilet, keeping your hair clean and showering regularly to name a few. This is also extended out into your environment by hoovering your house, washing up and dusting etc. to weeding your garden.

Imagine for a moment if you were to never clean your teeth, brush your hair, shower or change your clothes, hoover your front room or change your sheets. It would not take long before your body apart from beginning to smell – becomes a welcoming place for harmful bacteria to breed and create various illnesses and disease.

You could liken your aura to a beautiful white suit that you are wearing and, just like the clothes that you wear, when you wash it regularly then it is easy to get rid of the dust and dirt that has accumulated, yet if you do not look after it then the dirt becomes embedded and the stain is much more difficult to remove.

And, just as a smelly person is unpleasant to be around, as your energy field becomes clogged and stagnant then eventually, even though others may not consciously know why, they will find you uncomfortable to be around which can be unhealthy not only for you but for them as well.

There are many ways that you can help your aura remain strong, vibrant and healthy and here are a few easy and simple examples:

  • Taking a swim in the ocean or soaking in a salt water bath greatly helps release negative toxins within the aura. If you do not live near the sea or have a bath – then massage or rub in sea salt over your body before taking a shower, as you rinse the salt off not only will it remove any dead skin it will freshen your aura at the same time.
  • Spend 10 minutes early in the morning or at sunset soaking up the sun’s rays and you will feel your aura expand and become more vitalised, filling you with more energy, optimism and it has the added benefit of receiving loads of vitamin D.
  • Taking a walk on a breezy day is great for releasing unwanted energies and if you live by the sea the salt and minerals will give even more benefit to your auric field. Stand facing towards the breeze with your arms outstretched – in fact the windier it is the better!
  • Go for a walk in Nature or spend some time in your garden, wherever possible remove your shoes or invest in a pair with leather soles. This will help you become grounded and support your energy field in releasing unwanted blocks and toxins.
  • Reduce the time that you are exposed to electrical equipment. The radiation and different frequencies they emit interfere with your own natural body rhythms and build up static in your energy field. Make sure you recharge all your mobile phones away from your bedroom or at the very least away from your head when sleeping.
  • Keep an awareness of people and places that sap your energy and leave you feeling drained and remove yourself completely or limit your time spent there or with a particular person/s.

There are many other ways to help keep your aura clean and healthy including using crystals, sage sticks, essential oils, mediation and yoga to name a few.

Remember your aura is an extension of yourself and when it is in a vibrant healthy state then it acts as a protective shield against the negativity that is around you. When it becomes weakened, fragile and damaged you will feel scattered, drained, unwell, feel overburdened with toxic emotions like anger, fear and doubt. You will find it difficult to let go of disappointment, failure and upset from the past, unmotivated and blocked from moving forward in your life.

Depending on how you feel – then it is beneficial at times to having a helping hand and consider alternative healing. As an intuitive holistic healer I am able to see energy blockages, tears and damage in your auric field and see where the physical body has pain and illness and help to clear these unwanted energies.

Healing will leave you feeling lighter and brighter and strengthen your auric field and is able to help clear energies from the mental and emotional layers which contribute to depression, tiredness and more serious illnesses.