Are You Ready To Embrace 2019?

Are You Ready To Embrace 2019?

Each new year brings the opportunity for you to make changes and set new goals!

With 2018 beginning to fade you can look forward with excitement to what this year will bring you, the year itself will be a lot lighter and gives you the opportunity to connect to your creative side, a year to be able to express yourself clearly, so choose empowering words for your body to hear as well as those around you.

Become enthusiastic about each day; be excited about what it will bring, maybe, there will be a new person to meet or a different place to visit.

Experience each day in full and have fun!

Ensure that you stay away from negative people who enjoy conflict or confrontation – they will drain your energy and definitely slow you down from achieving the lifestyle you wish to live.

Spend more time with loved ones and friends that are of like mind that uplift you and support you.

Last year was a fast and hectic year for many and was about decluttering and about putting down your foundations for this year, so, take the time to double check that you have sorted out your cupboards and that you are on track for your plans for this year.

Create a new vision board and check it every 3 months to see if you are still heading in the right direction or even if you have changed your mind about some things, this will give you the opportunity to alter it and update it regularly.

Schedule in quiet times where you can disconnect from the busyness of world including the television and social media and continue to say “No” to offers that do not excite you.

Remember you are not the same person as you were a year ago as you are always changing, evolving and having new experiences. Should an experience pop up this year similar to that of last year, then take the time to be still and work out what you could do differently this time?

Life is constantly moving you forward, taking you outside of your comfort zone in order for you grow. Learn to trust in the unknown and enjoy the adventures of the journey!

Completely let go of the hurt from the past – keep the memory and the experience as information that you can learn from, yet, let go of the hurt as it is only you who is suffering from it and that hurt will hold you back from so many new and fresh opportunities.

We all know that worrying is a waste of time, it zaps your mental energy and this is more draining than the physical body going for a work out at the gym. There are many different techniques that can help you redirect your mental thoughts, experiment with them to discover which ones work for you – if you need help please let me know.

Imagine for a moment how your life would be if you were not attached to your mental worries!

Think of your garden for a moment – when your flowers are not growing properly you tend to the surroundings, add more fertiliser, pull out the weeds and give them water. The same is for yourself; you cannot expect to heal if you are surrounded in an environment that is toxic and negative.

Make the choice to change the things in your life that you have outgrown, as you let go of them you will have the space and time to try some new activities that you have been putting off. When you focus your energy onto achieving what kind of life you would like to have then the attention you give to it the energy increases and flows with ease. The wheel of life is continually turning one cog at a time, so be patient and persistence and remember that even if you are unable to see the results immediately there are changes going on behind the scene. So your extra effort will be worth it –do not give up!

Everything around us is continuously changing and evolving, there is never a finish line, just another lap to do. How will you do things differently this year?

When you choose to experience life fully with all its ups and downs, the happiness and sadness, the beautiful and the ugly then it enables you to grow and learn from each and every experience you have, strengthening your soul and become in touch with your full potential.

Allow your ideas to flow and then take action.

Listen to your soul, that quiet inner voice that never shouts and follow its guidance as you navigate this wonderful year ahead.

Enjoy your journey through 2019!