Staying Strong In A Fearful World

Staying Strong In A Fearful World

Over the past month or so which has lead up to the COVID-19 announcement, many of you sensitive souls have been receiving deep inner feelings to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the busy world, to have time on your own, connect to nature, de-clutter and let go of what and who no longer serves you for moving forward in your life.  During that time you would have been getting to know yourself in a different way than before. Unknowingly, you have be preparing for this outbreak of shock and fear that the COVID-19 outbreak has brought on a mass scale to the whole world.

The shock of the announcement for many people would have gone straight to the Solar Plexus, sending it spinning out of control. As the Solar Plexus links with the Third Eye then, as a result, ones thoughts would be racing all over the place. The Root Chakra, which is about protecting you and helping you survive against all odds, may also have gone into overdrive for many people.

Please remember that Stress is the number one thing that causes an emotional response, thereby impeding the proper operation of the immune system. If it is not managed properly it can have long lasting effects on the physical, mental and emotional energies of the body.

Should you find yourself in the feelings of fear then STOP! Wherever you are, find a quiet space and take a deep breath. Breathe in for  4 seconds – hold it for 4 seconds and release it for 8 seconds or more. Imagine this breath being like the one where you sit down on the sofa at the end of a busy day and give that big sigh of relief the busy day has come to an end…. Your body automatically recognises this sigh as a signal to relax and let go of any stress and tension accumulated during the day!

Being stuck in the energy of stress will drain your energy very quickly and you will find yourself being easily drawn into the fear of the world collective!

There are many thoughts as to why the Coronavirus has manifested and yet one thing stands out most – time to give humanity plenty of time and personal space to be able to connect and go within, giving time for each individual to re-evaluate their life and reset their futures.

As individuals rebuild the reservoirs of energy throughout their own personal energy fields/aura, (you could imagine this as being similar to recharging your mobile phone) it then becomes easier to withstand the negative energy of other people’s fears of scarcity and low energy survival mode. This allows you to focus on the positive and embrace the benefits of this reset of the earth energies moving forward.

Stay in the present moment and follow your intuition as best as you can. Take advantage of this time to connect within and appreciate the simple things in life, be grateful for the roof over your head and the support from all those around you. Take the time to relax and rest, eat sensibly and take up that hobby you have been putting off, get out that book you have been meaning to read for ages! Use this time wisely as it will soon pass – maybe you still need to de-clutter, spring clean your home, get out and weed the garden or even use up those pots of paint you have stored and refresh some paintwork in your home! Have real conversations with your loved ones and families; write that book or play you have had an idea about, turn that hobby into a future business etc.

Remember the one thing that never changes is change itself!

Do you remember the story of the caterpillar that happily munches his way through all the green leaves to end up in the chrysalis before emerging as a beautiful butterfly?

What you do not see is the complete mess that would be going on inside as the transformation takes place!

It may feel a complete mess at the moment – yet from mayhem, great changes for the better will arise.

Right now our world is collectively going through changes and challenges that have never been experienced before for most generations alive today.

Stay strong in this unknown time as the whole world is operating one day at a time and solutions are being delivered faster than any other global action has ever had to move in human history.

This wakeup call is what the world has needed for a long time and, although tragic, in many ways there will be many benefits that come from it in the long run including more respect for the Earth and Nature itself!

Do you remember your history lessons? Back in 1665, Cambridge University closed because of the Bubonic plague. Isaac Newton quarantined himself at his childhood home and it was the most productive time of his life in which he discovered calculus & the laws of motion.

Ask yourself – what will I do and create over the coming weeks in this global pause and what clarity will I find?

My first priority here at Intuitive Holistic Healing is your health and well-being and I wanted to assure you that I am taking a proactive approach in light of the Coronavirus outbreak. On arrival for your appointment please wash your hands. The toilet is to the right hand side of the door on arrival and this will minimise the spread of pathogens.

Please stay at home and reschedule your appointment, if you are suffering from any cold or flu-like symptoms

In light of the Coronavirus outbreak, I have added an extra service for you to use in these lonely times which consists of a 45 minute telephone/internet or WhatsApp call for Spiritual Advice and Guidance to be followed with Absent Healing for those who are in self-isolation and/or unable to come along personally as usual.

Please book online and I will contact you to arrange a convenient time to connect.