Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year

December gives you the opportunity to be inspired and create new visions for the coming future. Being winter it reminds you this is only one critical part of life’s continuous cycle, it’s a time to slow down, rest and renew your energies before the re-birth of spring.

It only seems a short while ago that I was wishing you Happy Christmas for 2019. The months have passed so quickly and 2020 has certainly been a year that will be remembered – so different from what any of us would have imagined at the start of the year! It’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs with challenges and changes that have left many feeling unsettled and uncomfortable.

Yet, during this time there have also been many positive changes as well!

It has given you the time to de-clutter and sort out what was important to you physically, mentally and emotionally; giving you the opportunity to let go of what and who were no longer required/needed in your life, and time to reflect on the spiritual lessons you have learned this year.

Amongst the rush of preparing for Christmas – please ensure you take some time out in your busy schedules to re-evaluate your intentions as you get ready to start afresh in 2021.

Make choices that will change your life for the better, take a look at what you have outgrown, and as you choose to let go of them, you will create the space and time to be able to have new experiences and try some new activities that you did not have the time for before.

Allow your ideas to flow and then take action!

When you focus your thoughts and energy on achieving what kind of life you would like to have then the attention you give to it will increase the energy and new opportunities will open up for you with ease. The wheel of life is continually turning one cog at a time so be patient and persistent. Remember that even if you are unable to see the results immediately there are changes going on behind the scene so your extra effort will be worth it – do not give up!

Everything around us is continuously changing and evolving, there is never a finish line, just another lap to do!

How will you do things differently in 2021?

Remember, you are not the same person you were a year ago as you are always changing, evolving and having new experiences. Should an experience pop up next year similar to one that you had during this last year, then take the time to be still and work out what you could do differently this time.

When you choose to experience life fully with all its ups and downs, the happiness and sadness, the beautiful and the ugly then it enables you to grow and learn from each and every experience you have, strengthening your soul and enabling you to reach your full potential.

Life is constantly moving you forward, taking you outside of your comfort zone in order for you grow. Learn to trust in the unknown and enjoy the adventures of the journey!

Completely let go of any hurt from the past – keep the memory and the experience as information that you can learn from, yet, let go of the hurt as it is only you who is suffering from it and that hurt will hold you back from so many new and fresh opportunities.

Create the time to listen to your soul, that quiet inner voice that never shouts, and follow its guidance as you navigate the wonderful year ahead.

Remember, opportunity knocks on your door every day, so make sure you get up and open it. Just like a visitor knocking on your door, if you take too long to answer, the opportunity, like any visitor, will move on.

Become enthusiastic about each day; be excited about what it will bring, maybe there will be a new person to meet or a different place to visit.

Experience each day in full and have fun!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year and as you move forward one step at a time, gaining mastery over your life, you continue to learn how the subtle and not so subtle energies of the universe work, helping you to have the happy, healthy and abundant lifestyle you deserve!

So, tie up your loose ends, knowing new beginnings are just around the corner and create a lovely Christmas 2020, filling it with happy memories, laughter and love.

If you would like any help in identifying any issues that may be blocking you from moving forward in 2021 I am here to help you move forward and create those changes you truly deserve.