World Energy Shifts

World Energy Shifts

Yet again, the world is going through more big energy shifts and everyone in it, whether they have an awareness of it or not, is being affected one way or another!

Everything is continuously changing and evolving, in fact the one thing that never changes is change itself! Some of the changes are being shown in full sight and others are still being hidden behind the scenes. More new rules and boundaries are being put in place, many without the people of the world having a choice or giving consent.

This energy is rippling a fear throughout the world, and you may feel that, overall, you are not personally affected by it. Yet, many people are silently becoming fearful of what the future holds, not just for them but the younger generations to follow.

As the world is changing at such a fast and furious pace, it is important for you to understand how your personal energy can be affected by it all.

Your aura, which is also known as a biofield, surrounds your body and is also within your body. It is made up of major and minor chakras which is your life force which, in turn, creates intricate rhythms, channels and is constantly moving and changing! It is, in part, created by your heart, brain, the earth polarities, and the universal energies that we are all part of.

You can imagine this like you are in a bubble of energy that has the ability to receive, give out and store information all at the same time.

You are an electrical being, and your auric field is your first line of defence to the influences of what is going on around you at all times!

Your aura is made up of a very fine energy and, as you mingle and mix with others in your everyday activities, it is easy to unknowingly absorb some of the energies of other people, both negative and positive.

Even drugs, medicines and processed food can weaken your auric field! A hole or tear can also be created by knocking yourself i.e., banging your head, elbow, or knee, or being shocked by hearing some bad news etc.

This causes your aura to become weakened, and holes can appear in it, causing you to lose more of your personal energy. I often compare this to a blown-up balloon or a car tyre which has a quiet and slow leakage of air from it, often you do not notice it at first and the damage increases!

When your aura becomes weak, your health suffers. At first you may feel just a bit tired, ungrounded, and drained, maybe grumpy, snappy, or suddenly feel in a bad mood!

As you continue to leak energy then your immune system becomes compromised, and it is easier to catch common illnesses like the flu etc., become anxious, depressed, and your energy field then finds it difficult to release your unwanted thoughts, unprocessed emotions, negative self-image, and negative self-talk etc.

I have shared before that we have over 72,000 nerves within our major chakras which interact with our energetic field, relaying information to you about what is happening around you in your environment.

All that information is being channeled through your body, so now you can understand how your mind, emotions and your physical body are continuously reacting/responding to them and how so much can go unnoticed by you!

When you are finding that it is hard to turn off your thoughts and are caught up in the busyness of everyday life, you may miss the quiet thoughts of your intuition which are trying to guide you and find that you start making mistakes or life gets even more complicated, confusing and erratic!

Here are a few sayings that I hear being said by my clients:

“I keep pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind or to the side”.

“My thoughts are continuous – like a record stuck on repeat”.

“My head is so busy – I cannot think straight”.

“I cannot get to sleep as thoughts keep racing around in my head”.

“My brain feels so foggy – I cannot think about anything right now”.

You may relate to some of these or have other sayings that are similar to the above.

The auric field is affected by everything and can easily attract dense, heavy energy which slowly accumulates within your aura.

As an Intuitive Holistic Healer, I am able to sense and see a person’s energy field and where dense/negative energy is being held within the body as well as the auric field.

Here is an example of some of what can been seen with somebody with a busy, worried or even feeling depressed state, I hope I can keep this simple and easy for you to understand and relate to.

Often we hear people saying, “it feels like I have a cloud above my head”, and this is often shown in cartoons or drawn to describe how a person is feeling – sometimes it can be drawn as a light grey or a black cloud with lightning strikes etc. or even many clouds.

Have you ever wondered where these images were created from in the first place?

A cloud of energy can be seen over a person’s head when they are worried or upset, overtired or ill. This can vary in colour from an off-white, light grey or even black and can also be a combination of varying degrees of colours over different parts above the head.

If I see the energy over the top of the centre of the head then this could mean the person has some concerns right now in this moment.

When the energy is positioned towards the back of the head, then the person is trying to push/put it to the back of the mind, and it may also be connected to a long-term worry of something from the past.

The energy could be showing more on the right side of the head indicating that it may be connected to masculine/mental energy of the person or another, or when on the left it could be about the feminine/creative emotional concerns with the self or another.

Also, there is the height or nearness of the energy to the body itself which then helps to guide me in understanding where there also may be a connection within the body itself.

What about the lightning strikes that get drawn you may be asking?

We are made up of electricity and this can be likened to the electric strobes glass balls that show the electricity whizzing around in it – when we have too much going on in the mind then these electrical impulses get over charged and can be zinging around within your energy field. They are also connected to your neurological pathways within your brain – which is why some people can say “my mind feels out of control, my mind feels fried, and other similar sayings”.

I hope this gives you an insight in how your energy affects you on a mental, physical and emotional level and reminds you that it is important to look after your own personal energy field.

So, when you have your quiet and repetitive thoughts arrive in your mind, listen to them and if they are asking you to rest and take time out, ensure you find a way to do so.

You can then connect to your deeper inner feelings and withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the busy world, have time on your own, connect to nature, de-clutter and let go of what and who no longer serves you, helping you to move forward in your life in a relaxed and more confident way.

I recommend that even if you are aware or not aware of your passions and dreams and things you want to pursue in your life right now, that you pursue yourself in your health, your nutrition and include your energy field, your thoughts and feelings as well, so you are ready for what opens up for you as you explore into your future. As you rebuild the reservoirs of energy throughout your own personal energy field/aura, (you could imagine this as being similar to recharging your mobile phone) it then becomes easier to withstand the negative energy of other people’s fears of scarcity and low energy survival mode. This allows you to focus on the positive and embrace the benefits and not soak up negative energies moving forward in the most confident, happiest version of yourself.