Author: IHH

It only seems a short while ago that I wrote the newsletter for the beginning of the year. Time has passed quickly, the weeks turning quickly into months, the months into seasons and now the year has passed. 2016 was a year of completion, being...

The light of one candle never diminishes by lighting another candle I have always had a passion for helping others from a small child. My mother once said to me that I collected those in trouble, those not as strong as others and would take them...

One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go, letting go of past hurts, anger, guilt, love, loss and betrayal. It is easy to say “Let Go” yet often much more challenging to do so! When you let go, you are creating space for something new,...

Psychic protection can be as natural as putting on your clothes in the morning, cleaning your teeth and checking your mobile phone is charged! If you are a person who is particularly sensitive to others, then you can be like a sponge, soaking up negative energy...

The Aura and Chakras are both independent subjects, but due to the interaction between them, it would be more beneficial to merge these subjects into one to give you a more complete understanding of them. The Chakras, or energy centres, create an energy field around the...

Congratulations Melanie and Joy,who have recently, and successfully, completed the Intuitive Holistic Healing Course and are now fully qualified Healers. Have you ever wondered why we are known as beings of light or why healers call themselves light-workers? This is because at the centre of each cell within our...

Living in the present moment without attaching yourself to regrets about yesterday or worrying about tomorrow goes a long way towards clearing the chaos of everyday life! Time never stands still it is always moving forward not waiting for anyone!We all have the same 86,400 seconds...

As you continue to develop and strengthen your natural senses you may start to see colours around your family, friends and those around you. This is a completely natural vision and is known as external clairvoyance. Often, people will dismiss what they are seeing as their...

We are surrounded by healers. They are easy to recognise, they are the ones who help ease your emotional and mental suffering. They are the ones who listen, laugh and cry with you. Healers are amongst us every day. There are some that are easily recognised...

Spring is the time of new beginnings Springtime is a perfect time to renew your energy, create fresh focus and vibrant inspirations. It is a great time for you to build momentum, make new choices and realign yourself with your desires and values. Spring is my favourite...