To start with, thank you very much for taking time to help me. Especially since you must be a very busy lady. I told everyone I met I read your ebook and got your reply straight away, and they were really impressed. I wish you all the success in the world. You have written it in a very simple and nice way, and even more, what you say is TRUE. You are not one of those looneys who fool people. You have been of fantastic help to me. But so far, you have helped me more than anybody in all these years with your book, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lots of love and all the best in your personal and professional life. All the love in the world from Spain, and please write more books.
This meditation is extremely relaxing, it’s a great way to de-stress or unwind after a busy day or week. Amanda has such a gentle, peaceful voice which takes you on a journey helping to let go of every day worries and issues. I feel calmer, and emotionally lighter afterward and trust that my chakras are balanced and cleansed. I would definitely recommend this meditation.
I initially met Amanda for a one off healing session. This was so powerful, I have not only grown strength to strength with my healed body, but I have grown spiritually and emotionally that I decided to become a medium and a healer myself. All credit to the fantastic support and knowledge Amanda has given me.
Having known Amanda in excess of 4 years. She has a calm presentation and warm personality, whilst at the same time being focused on her clients disposition/anxieties and condition the moment she makes contact. Over the years I have received healing from her on many occasions, from skeletal and muscular injuries to dealing with exhaustion, anxiety and stress – from which my body has received immediate relief from pain and discomfort. Amanda’s “post healing session” advice and assessment is vital to take note of, as it does give you and awareness of what blockages or resistance we have and what “we” the client can do to assist with the post healing session process during our personal lives. What I have experienced is the nature or intensity that surprises me time and again, some times without any touch and for the more severe complaints, extremely light touch and amazing energies surging through the body or limb, all resulting with very positive healing benefits. I have had absent healing from Amanda that has also been successful and reassuring. Amanda is extremely good in dealing with animals. Again with the pet/animal, whether absent or direct healing she immediately makes contact with the animal on the “mental level” and can convey the animals thoughts and distress to the owner/guardian. In our lovely elderly cat’s final months this was literally “priceless” for our family, giving details of the internal conversation she was having with him and the advice she gave us of what life was for him at the time which was extremely helpful and comforting. We then knew what we should look for and do when the time came. In my opinion from what I/we witnessed with our lovely cat, is that the animals do not put up emotional defence barriers and communicate freely – “with the right person” such as Amanda whom we thank immensely.
I have had 2 healing sessions with Amanda so far. I have been through emotional trauma for 8 months and have tried various doctors who prescribed strong medication, counsellors and a psychiatrist at £330 an hour all to no avail. I even thought I’d had a heart attack and ended up in cardiology. I was a complete emotional and physical wreck and it was ruining my life. It dawned on me I needed healing, in this case Spiritual, although Amanda does everything. Immediately I was able to release all my pent up emotions and not be frightened to make a fool of myself! I cried like a baby and she listened and told me things I couldn’t know through normal channels about what was going on in my body. After the first session I, hand on heart, felt brilliant. Although I slept a lot after the session I felt back to my old self and developed a more philosophical approach to my problems, which were obviously still there, but I also felt a powerful urge to fight it – which worked. I had the second session this morning. It felt great and I could enjoy the healing and, on my life, I felt like my body levitated twice! Amanda said my body was on the couch and my Spiritual body rose. She felt it too. I believed before it was hocus-pocus or the phenomenon was only for the privileged. I slept the deepest sleep when I got home and my positivity and loving life has come back. The so-called problems have shrunk to pea size and Amanda has honestly saved my sanity. God bless her.
Sharon D
Hello, my name is Sherry… Yes, the ‘near orgasm girl’ written about and forever recorded in scribe in Amanda’s first e-book! When Amanda first talked about writing a book on Spirituality I have to admit I never in my wildest dreams expected the end result. Not because I had little faith in her knowledge or experience (The woman IS the oracle!) And nor because I thought her incapable of writing, it was just that we ALL say ‘I want to write a book’…and never get around to it. Well, she did it and ‘the girl done good’! Seriously, it is one of the most intelligible, funny, informative, interactive and absorbing books on this subject I have ever read. Amanda has a style of writing that is all encompassing and endearing and makes you keep right on reading leaving you wanting more. It is so worth your time and effort. Well done darling. For all the suns & moons that have passed by us you have been the constant star! Don’t stop now..!
I have seen Amanda on two occasions for healing, and I have already come to the conclusion that she is a very gifted healer. The first time I saw her was for a breathing problem I had suffered from for six years, and for which doctors were unable to help me with. After just one visit to Amanda I felt so much lighter, and after just a week or two my breathing was starting to become easier and less suffocating! I came away from the first healing session feeling like a million dollars, and so relieved! The second visit, we talked more as the healing session progressed and a few days later I found that constant headaches I’d had for years on an almost daily basis just about cleared up overnight. An infection in my left ear had also gotten better – brilliant! I’m very much looking forward to seeing Amanda again for her miraculous healing powers and it has encouraged me to think about becoming a healer myself. Thank you Amanda!
Claire V
This is a really interesting book – and thank you for making it free to download, that’s so kind. I loved the combination of useful information, practical exercises (especially the human pendulum) plus personal stories, which made the book useful, informative, and interesting. These are skills and abilities that we all have somewhere, so its wonderful to have them discussed and explained, as well as being provided with specific exercises to develop them.
I had suffered for many many years with sleep paralysis and night terrors. I had tried a number of things to help eradicate these but to no avail. The situation was not improving and I rarely slept. I contacted Amanda to ask if she could help me. We had an initial conversation and after a good conversation with her I made an appointment to see her. We discussed in detail what had been happening and explored the root of the problem. I then had my first healing session, after which I felt so much better. I immediately felt the benefit of the healing, and for the first time in many years I slept all night with no disturbance. I have continued to have the healing sessions with Amanda and feel fantastic.
After endless trips to the doctors, receiving cranial osteopathy and other various treatments, including counselling, I was feeling very low. I had previously been in an accident that had left the left hand side of my body in a poor way, including my speech being affected, my tongue swollen on one side and my leg numb, amongst a list of other things. I was beginning to feel that I would never get better and the doctors were at a loss on how to help next. My friend, who was getting very concerned for me, recommended that I go and have some healing with Amanda. She had used Amanda, and her ailments had been resolved. In the beginning I was seeing Amanda once a week and within 3 weeks, my tongue was back to normal size, I was getting fewer headaches and walking better. It took a while longer to help improve my speech and with the help of one of Amanda’s Hypnotherapy CDs I was soon talking better, feeling better and enjoying putting into place some life changes that helped me feel more in control of my life, which in turn lessened the panic attacks I was having. After I while I began to see Amanda fortnightly as my confidence was building, I was walking better and the numbness was gone from my leg and I was actually enjoying life again. I continue to see Amanda once a month to help maintain my health, release any blockages I may have collected and always come away feeling relaxed and more energised. Amanda’s guidance and support throughout has really helped to turn my life around.
I was suffering with migraines, but following regular healing sessions with Amanda the migraines completely cleared. This was such a wonderful relief! Thank you Amanda.
I had the most amazing Self Love Crystal Facial with Amanda today. She explained everything she was going to do so I could completely relax. The Tropic products felt wonderful on my skin and lasted all day. I would definitely recommend the facial and would have one again.
Amanda is one of the most intuitive and gifted persons I have ever had healing with. Her connection to spirit and being able to channel has helped me to release emotional blocks, and each session is always exactly what I needed in that moment. She has helped me to let go of many emotional blockages in many different areas of my life. I feel so much clearer within myself and I am really looking forward to the future and what it brings. Thank you so much, I feel so much lighter within myself since so much baggage has been let go off. I recommend that anyone who is suffering from emotional and mental burdens that are affecting their health that they see Amanda.
When Amanda told me she was venturing upon a new path of sharing what she has learnt through writing, I was immediately engaged with Amanda’s new idea, for one simple reason; Amanda’s gifts, saved and enlightened my life forever. After a very long life journey of travel and experience, I found myself landed in ‘Seaford’, a quiet yet friendly and welcoming little Cinque port on the south east of England’s coast. I had already been experiencing many Spiritual wake-up calls but had no idea of how to understand, interpret or protect myself from unwelcome experience. I found myself walking through the quaint town and so strongly drawn, almost ‘pulled inside’ of a beautiful yet unusual shop called ‘Natures Nectar’ before I had left, I was unexpectedly given a start date for my new job as a sales/customer service representative. The job opened my eyes, filled me with hope, joy, satisfaction and yearning to learn more. Then I found out I was expecting as a single parent and my journey just illuminated with love, comfort, support and hope. Why? My belongings comprised of a few bags and boxes. But I had Amanda by my side. Amanda told me everything was as it should be and to embrace my experience. Let go of blame and accept my blessings with love, light and happiness. Amanda taught me how to develop my senses and being pregnant, my senses glowed with excitement and eagerness. Amanda taught me how to ‘let go’ of past hurt, how to embrace and accept gifts of love and even gifts of support from all. Amanda taught me how to feel empowered by shedding my many faces and simply be myself. She taught me how to understand my gifts instead of worrying about them and soon, I too, was sharing my gifts with all. Confirmation after confirmation glided into my life and with Amanda as my guide and teacher, I knew I was in the best place I could ever possibly be. She helped me feel at peace. To say that I can see and read auras, be Clairaudient, Clairsentient, read tarot’s, receive and give accurate message, see Spirit guides, future, past and present events of strangers and loved ones and can teach others about crystal therapies and meanings etc. is all because Amanda came into my life in the most positive solid and trustworthy way. Amanda is not only a person with things to say, Amanda Walder is the best experience of my life enlightenment and if you want this feeling too…then you should, in my opinion, meet Amanda.
I have just finished your E-book. I found it to be very interesting in the area of starting development for people who are learning. Not only does it explain it in a way anyone can understand but it is also very easy to follow. Although I am already knowledgeable in the areas you cover in the book, it was nice to reflect back to when I had first started learning in my own self-development. The book is a safe and very interesting read. I would have loved to have seen more about your personal stories, as the interest I have in this world of spiritual living is the experiences that others have happen to them on their path. But all the same I found it to a great read and well worth buying. I also liked the part where you talked about the situation about you being in a moment of deep emotions & what caught your eye in mirror. It is those short part stories that keep me reading and wanting more. Again, if anyone setting off on new development in the areas in which you cover such as auras & meeting spirit guides, then this be a good buy and a great bargain. I find that your teachings are easy to understand and follow. The vibration energy of your voice is also very well balanced so people always listen. Amanda thank you for writing such an understandable book. Thank you for your great healing sessions too you’re amazing. From one intuitive to another – well done!
I just wanted to say “thank you” to Amanda. For the wonderful and powerful healing she did for me a few months ago. I had suffered a bad nervous breakdown caused by shock and lost myself entirely. Lost 2 stone in weight and anxiety was through the roof. I had been on medications for quite some time, but was still very weak. Amanda gave me healing explaining where the problem areas lay and it was an holistic experience. I went home and slept for 36 hours and woke up feeling stronger and more positive than ever. Since then I’ve got stronger every day and thankfully mentally I’m back to my old self. She explains about your chakras and colours and gives you great insight into why you are feeling like you do. She’s amazing, so professional - an absolute must for all! Thank you so much Amanda for all you’ve done for me.
I had previously met Amanda at a Beyond the Ordinary event in Eastbourne. I instantly warmed to her, and late last year made my first appointment for holistic healing with her. I felt this would be really helpful in shifting stuck emotions and negative memories that I felt were holding me back from a happier life. I also wanted to better understand the impact this had on my thoughts and feelings and how I could improve my energy. From my first appointment I felt a sense of lightness and so much more positive energy. I have continued to have an appointment every three weeks, and each appointment brings something new and I feel like I am on a wonderful journey. I can totally recommend Amanda.
Hi everyone I hope you are well. I just wanted to thank Amanda for her wonderful healing sessions I have been attending. They have helped me to become unblocked. My life is now so full of positive energy and I’m becoming more fruitful day by day. If you have never tried a healing session with Amanda, I would strongly advise that you try it. Once again, thanks Amanda.